Monday, April 14, 2008


Bad breath is a major turn off. Here are some temporary solutions to avoid it:

= visit your dentist to check if their is build up of bacteria in your mouth. Decayed tooth might also be the cause.

= brush your teeth at least twice a day (in the morning and before bed time) to remove food particles lingering in your mouth.

= brush your tongue as well. You don't have any idea how much bacteria and plaque grow in your tongue.

= floss. Brushing sometimes do not remove the particles between your teeth and gumline.

= add mouthwash to your daily routine to protect your teeth and give you a minty breath

= carry breath mints and gum for emergency situation.

= avoid cigarette, alcohol, coffee and some foods like garlic, pizza, and onions.

= SEE A PHYSICIAN. Bad breath is sometimes cause by an illness like stress, stomach problems and low fluid intake.

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